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Handfed Indian Ringnecks





Meet Our Feathered Friend:

Indian Ringneck



Common Name: Ring Necked Parakeet, Indian Ring-Necked Parrot, Rose-Winged Parakeet

Latin Name: Psittacula Krameri

Native Region: India

Average Lifespan: 30 Years

Average Length: 40cm (16 inches)

Average Weight: 130 to 140 grams

Song Type: Whistler, Tropical Squawk, Vocal Communicator 

Interaction: Very Social


> Ring-Necked Parakeets are Sexually Dimorphic, meaning they can be visually sexed.
> The males of this species have a distinct ring around their neck at maturity.
>Indian ring-necked parakeets can make sweet, tame pets but will not remain so if not given enough socialization and attention.


Pet Profile

The Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet is not a shy bird and does best with an owner who appreciates an outgoing companion that is not afraid to demand what it wants! A devoted and experienced owner will do best with this temperamental bird as they require a great deal of attention to remain tame. However, the Indian Ring-Necked will charm and delight the person who takes the time to appreciate its other qualities — a playful exuberance, love of attention, and a remarkable talking ability. Indian Ring-Necked Parakeets can make sweet, tame pets but will not remain so if not given the proper socialization and attention. If socialized with daily, these birds can be loving, loyal companions. If neglected, you can have a biter on your hands. These might not be the best birds for children, as Ringnecks tend to be sensitive to commotion, including night frights (thrashing around the cage during the night as if startled).


Noise Level & Talking Ability

Indian Ringnecks are chatty birds and are known as a moderately loud bird. Their call is like a high-pitched scream that loves to echo in open rooms! Ringnecks are very intelligent, and many owners are delighted with their ability to talk! Ringnecks can pick up on many words and sounds; but be careful what you teach them as you will be hearing it loudly and on repeat! Ringnecks are also great whistlers but try to teach them words and phrases prior to whistling or else your bird may just fancy whistling over talking and never learn many words.


Common Health Conditions

Indian Ring-Necked Parakeets are relatively healthy birds; however they are susceptible to Polyomavirus, pssitacosis, apergillosis and bacterial infection.



Indian Ringnecks tend to have good appetites. As with any bird, make sure to feed a balanced, nutritious diet that includes pellets, fruit, veggies, and healthy table foods. This way you can be sure that your bird is nourished and will not become bored with his diet.



An Indian Ring-Necked Parrots cage needs to meet the minimum cage requirements of 36" x 24" x 24" with maximum wire spacing of 1/2" to 5/8”. Ringnecks have very long tails and need a medium to large cage that can accommodate this long tail without damaging their feathers. Ringnecks are very active birds that need room to roam, climb, and play. Proper toys and perches must be present in the cage. Each cage should have multiple perches with a variety of textures, materials, and diameters to ensure the feet of your Ringneck are well exercised and prevent bumblefoot and severe arthritis as your bird ages as well as promote grip strength. Indian Ringnecks are sensitive parrots that need lots of mental and physical stimulation. Your cage should have a variety of toys which can include enrichment, shredding, foraging, natural, wooden, metal, and plastic toys. DO NOT put a mirror or fake bird toy in your cage as these have been shown to do more harm than good. We generally recommend housing handfed birds one per cage. If you house multiple handfed birds in the same cage, it is possible for the birds to remain friendly, but this requires a lot more time spent with each bird by their owners. 


​NOTE: Although the minimum cage size requirements are listed above, like with most birds, the more space the better.  Keeping in mind the wire spacing requirements, we suggest acquiring the largest cage your budget and space can afford. Length is more valuable than height.

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